Introduction to ReactJS
ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library that is used for building user interfaces in a declarative and efficient way. It is a component-based front-end library responsible only for the view layer of an MVC (Model View Controller) architecture. React is used to create modular user interfaces and it promotes the development of reusable UI components that display dynamic data. ReactJS uses a declarative paradigm which makes it possible for applications to be both effective and flexible. It creates simple views for each state in your application and efficiently updates and renders just the right component when your data changes. The declarative view makes your code more predictable and easier to debug. Each component in a React application is responsible for rendering a separate, reusable piece of HTML code. The ability to nest components within other components allows for the building of complex applications from simple building blocks. A component may also keep track of its internal state, for example, a TabList component may keep a variable for the open tab in memory.
Getting Started with ReactJS
In this article we cover the absolute basics of ReactJS. To get you started, This page is an overview of the React documentation and related resources. React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Learn what React is all about on this page.