Introduction to Erlang
Erlang is a general-purpose, concurrent, functional high-level programming language, and a garbage-collected runtime system.
Getting Started with Erlang
Many people learn on their own, using a book or an online tutorial, often in conjunction with posting to the erlang-questions mailing list or #erlang IRC channel on Learn You Some Erlang is an easy-going tutorial which takes a day or two to get through. Alternatively, there's a spartan online tutorial. Any of the Erlang books can also be used as tutorials. The Erlang distribution includes a step-by-step getting started guide. This is also online. Ericsson run training courses for Ericsson employees. run training courses (primarily in London and Stockholm, but also in the US, Asia and Australia) aimed at businesses. These are often in conjunction with the yearly Erlang User Conference. Many universities run courses either partly or wholly about Erlang. Courses about functional programming are also useful for getting a solid grounding which will then let you easily learn Erlang by yourself.